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The Impact Of Technology On Learning

Educators Use Of Technology

Some educators may not have had much exposure to technology as part of their professional development. They may feel insecure about using technology in the classroom or afraid of being scrutinized for its use. However, with the right approach, these educators can take advantage of the opportunities for learning that the technology provides and leverage it to their benefit. They can use technology to create more customized learning experiences and to increase student engagement.


Students who use tablets and mobile devices in the classroom perform better than those who don’t. The difference is more pronounced for students in the US, who may be using these devices differently than in other countries. The results of the 2018 PISA assessment are corroborating the findings of a 2010 study on the impact of technology on learning. The report, produced by the Cable in the Classroom non-profit organization, examined the ways that technology has impacted learning.

Matching Instructional Environments

Regardless of the type of technology used in the classroom, teachers and students must work together to make sure that the technology is matched to the instructional environment. This means that technology should be used to enhance communication, to encourage collaboration, to support one-on-one interaction, to promote flexibility, and to enhance the efficiency of the classroom.





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